Thursday Doors: The Via Dolorosa (Jerusalem)

Norm’s Thursday Doors this week contains a new word for door lovers – doorgasm! Yes, I know the feeling!

We’ve been so busy  since we got home from our trip to Egypt and Israel last week, due to our daughter’s wedding this weekend, that I have not had time to organize my photos for blogging about the trip. Plus my camera broke while on the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem  so I need professional help at least to restore the photos in my memory card(but that’s a whole other story)!

Thursday has rolled around again so I have compiled cellphone photos of the doors of Old Jerusalem. These were taken on the Via Dolorosa (literally “Sorrowful Way”) which is said to be the route Jesus took after his arrest and condemnation to carry his heavy cross to the place of his crucifixion.

Old Jerusalem has so many beautiful doors and gates that I even saw a poster depicting many of them. (I guess Norm and his fellow door lovers aren’t the only ones obsessed with doors, lol!) This post is strictly doors – I did not include gates because that would double the number of photos in this post!

We started at the Temple Mount, including Dome of the Rock, which is said to be the spot on which the temple stood, and ended at the Western (Wailing Wall), which will be the subject of a future post. These are doors I photographed along the way, and many of them I do not specifically identify because we saw so many places that day! (I’ll try to be better organized when blogging about the actual places. :-}


Al-asqa Mosque, on Temple Mount Square


St. Anne’s church, said to be on the spot where the Virgin Mary was born. Anne was Mary’s mother.



This is also at St. Anne’s – a door leading into the garden behind the church.


St. Anne’s again



Terra Sancta entrance


Church of the Flagellation



Catholic Church in Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter


Station 6 of the Way of the Cross 


Technically, this is now used as a window, but it must have been a door at one time, with a stairway leading up to it.



The beautiful front door to St. Peter in Gallicantu, commemorating Jesus’ accusation of Peter, telling him that he will deny Jesus three times and then the cock will crow. The pointed finger of Jesus actually sticks out on this bas relief, as if he is accusing his followers in general of not believing in him.

All photos taken with Samsung Galaxy S7, on January 14, 2019.

One thought on “Thursday Doors: The Via Dolorosa (Jerusalem)

  1. Oh my God! I said aloud at one stage while reading this post. 😀 Totally non-Catholic, but still I had to say it when after so many door beauties I saw the green one with what appear to be cherries (but probably aren’t). Amazing stuff!

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